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MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Salim Al-Gailani Teaching Associate, History of medicine and the life sciences since 1800
Anna Alexandrova Professor in Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of social science
Francoise Barbira-Freedman Fellow, Clare Hall, Medical anthropology and shamanism
Mary Augusta Brazelton University Associate Professor in Global Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine, Global studies of Science, technology and medicine, On leave 2024/25
Mikkel Kenni Bruun Medical anthropology and anthropology of science
Philippa Carter University Assistant Professor in the History of Medicine and Health before 1800, Course Manager for MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society
Michael Diamond-Hunter Teaching Associate, Philosophy of biology; philosophy of the social sciences
Robbie Duschinsky Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Sociology of health, especially child and family mental health.
Marta Halina University Associate Professor in the Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of psychology and cognitive science
Stuart Hogarth Lecturer in Sociology of Science and Technology, Science, technology, biomedical innovation, political economy of diagnostic innovation.
Nick Hopwood Professor of History of Science and Medicine, History of modern medicine and biology
Maria Iacovou Professor in Quantitative Sociology, Family relationships; intra-household relationships; parenting and child development; quantitative research methods
Stephen John Hatton Lecturer in the Philosophy of Public Health, Public health ethics; epistemology and ethics, On leave 2024/25
Iza Kavedžija Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology
Karolina Kuberska Research Associate, THIS Institute
Tim Lewens Professor of Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of biology; philosophy of science; philosophical bioethics, On leave 2024/25
Olga Löblová Research Associate, Health policy; regulation; politics of healthcare reimbursement decisions; health technology assessment; diagnostics
Meredith McLaughlin Junior Research Fellow, Homerton College, THIS Institute Fellow, Anthropology of bureaucracy and the state
Dmitriy Myelnikov Teaching Associate, History of the life sciences and medicine since 1900
Robert Pralat Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, LGBT health, sexual and reproductive health.
Sally Raudon ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Citizenship, the state, the body and death
Kelly Fagan Robinson Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Disability, communication, health and social policy
Helene Scott-Fordsmand
Marcin W. Smietana Research Associate, Transnational surrogacy, assisted reproduction, gay parenting, family & kinship, the body and reproductive justice, science & technology, biopolitics.
Elizabeth Turk Research Associate, Anthropology of Mongolia and Inner Asia
Darin Weinberg Professor in Sociology, Social theory, sociology of science, sociology of health and illness, qualitative research methodologies.