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MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society


The links below provide advice on how to approach written work in the disciplines you will encounter on this course. While there is no formula for the 'ideal' piece of written work, you will find commonalities of approach in a range of disciplines, and the resources below have been identified by our lecturers as helpful starting points for exploring these.

Advice in these resources does not override the assessment standards for the course, which are set out in the Examining section of the course guide. These criteria are ultimately the standards by which work is assessed. This advice is also not intended to overrule any specific advice you receive from your supervisor.

Discipline-specific advice:

General guidance

Your supervisors can give you specific guidance on disciplinary norms related to formatting your work, such as referencing styles. For further advice on referencing, see the HPS Department referencing guidance.

Further information on writing support available in Cambridge is periodically circulated via student mailing lists.

For guidance on practical matters related to formatting your work (e.g. file formats, inclusion of appendices), see the Guidance on Coursework section of the course guide.

Further Resources

There are many specialist print and online resources for History and Philosophy of Science in Cambridge. Please visit HPS LibGuides for an overview of the resources and research support available for this subject.