Applications are made centrally via the Postgraduate Admissions Office (PAO). Visit their website for detailed information on the application process, including how your application is considered by Departments and Colleges.
Academic requirements
You should hold (or be expected to achieve) a first class honours degree from a UK university, or a degree of an equivalent standard from an overseas university.
Check your qualification equivalencies on the Postgraduate Admissions website: Postgraduate Admissions: International qualifications.
Please note that the MPhil Managers may decide to admit on a high 2.1 or its equivalent where other aspects of the application are of a particularly high standard.
English proficiency
You may need to demonstrate your competence in English. Check the Postgraduate Admissions Competence in English pages for further information.
Intercalating students
We welcome applications from medical students from any university wishing to do an intercalated year, who have completed at least three years of undergraduate study and achieved our normal standards for admission.
Supporting documentation
Two academic references are required. If you are applying for Gates Scholarship funding you will need to provide a third, personal reference.
Applications should include transcripts from all previous university study.
A CV/resume
Evidence of competence in English
If required.
Statement of purpose
A statement of purpose, of about 600 words, should indicate which topics you would pursue in the MPhil. Please tell us about possible essay and dissertation topics you might pursue on the course, why you are interested in them, and some preliminary ideas about how you might carry them out. We will not treat the statement as a formal proposal but it will help us understand your motivations for taking the MPhil and how well prepared you are for postgraduate-level research. You may also include a preliminary PhD research proposal if you are planning to continue to a PhD after completing the MPhil course.
The statement of purpose should be uploaded as a supporting document.
Sample of work
You should submit one example of written work, such as an essay or dissertation, in an area relevant to the course. The sample should be no longer than 10,000 words; it may be shorter. You may submit an essay you have written specifically for this application, but please indicate if this is the case. The sample must be entirely your own work, fully referenced and in English.